International Transfers

  • Current accounts
  • Other services
  • Loans
  • Offers

You can send international transfers to your business partners at any time. This service is provided quickly and safely by an international payment system including ProCredit Bank’s Correspondent Banks.

ProCredit Bank Germany serves as our correspondent bank for both inbound and outbound international transfers, allowing you and your business partners to take advantage of their benefits.

The benefits of outbound transfers:

  • Flat-rate commission for any transfer in EUR/USD via e-banking (by selecting the type of commission)
    • Commissions are shared (“share”)
    • Commissions are paid by the beneficiary (“beneficiary”)
    • Commissions are all paid by the sender (“our”)
  • Transfers are fast and safe
  • Automatic delivery of SWIFT document to your e-mail address at no additional charge

To learn more about transfer processing time, click here

Benefits of inbound transfers:

  • 0 rate commission (all types of commissions - “beneficiary”, “share” and “our”) for all inbound transfers via ProCredit Albania
  • Fast and secure money transfers credited by ProCredit Bank Albania to your account on the same day or “transfer date + 1” starting from the time the funds were transferred at the latest.

The sender of the funds needs to submit the following information here in order to benefit from these conditions

To learn more about the terms and conditions for international transfers services, please see our ''Terms and Conditions''