Current accounts

Commercial financing
  • Current accounts
  • Other services
  • Loans
  • Offers

A current account is a basic bank account that allows your business to access other bank services and establish a relationship between the bank and your business.

What are the benefits of having a business account?

  • Access to your funds and business card at any time through our e-banking service
  • Access to our convenient 24/7 Zones, where you can use banking services 24 hours a day, 7 seven days a week
  • Greater speed and efficiency in your business activity through automated transactions for invoice payments
  • Transfers and fast payments to your domestic and international suppliers

You receive all services provided in the business current account for a fixed monthly fee. Click here to learn about the services we offer for this account.

What documents do you need to open a business account?

  • National Business Centre extract for the last three months
  • Statute and Articles of Incorporation
  • ID of company’s legal representative
  • Tax ID (NIPT)/Stamp (if applicable)